4 vs 5 Day Strategies

4/5 Day School Teaching Strategies


When dealing with classes that are a mixture of 4 and 5 day schools, communication is key to a successful learning environment. Teachers, Facilitators, and Students make up the class and will need to have an open line of communication. This type of class is becoming more and more common. It is much like dealing with students being out multiple days during a semester for extra curricular activities. 


5 Day Teacher – 4 Day Students

In this scenario, the teacher has a mixture of students that will attend the class for 5 days and students that will attend for just 4 days.



It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they receive homework.

It is the student’s responsibility to turn in homework on time.

It is important to have good communication between teachers/facilitators/students.

Teachers need to have well prepared lessons.

Materials need to be sent in a timely manner.

Teachers may send materials in advance on a weekly basis to facilitators.

Teachers will need to make sure there is homework that requires minimal guidance on Fridays.

Online access to homework (Blackboard, Edmodo, Schoology, class webpage, etc…) is one method.




4 Day Teacher – 5 Day Students

In this scenario, the teacher is teaching 4 days a week and has a mixture of students that will attend the class for 5 days and students that will attend for 4 days.



It is the responsibility of the 5 day school to monitor students on Teacher's non-scheduled day.

5 day students may work on current assignments from the class on non-scheduled day. If all assignments are complete, then students may work on whatever is assigned by home district.

5 day schools need to be aware that during the year, there will be class occasionally on the non-scheduled day due to holidays, etc…

Online access to homework (Blackboard, Edmodo, Schoology, class webpage, etc…) is one method.





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